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#1 07-04-2019 18:32:13

Team RSR
Inscription : 27-08-2006
Messages : 2 064
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Salut par là !

un peu du son, avec un morceau qui date de fin 2018/debut 2019...


dead joshua - potentia


calling for existence

calling for a savior
calling for a look at what has just always mattered
calling for existence
up in the sky
or down on the ground

Oh let me tell you
something that just crossed my mind
when i heard this story
about that composed human power
you told me about
pushing everything around
pushing us up in the sky
or down on the ground
calling for existence
calling for a new savior
calling for a look at what has just always mattered
calling for existence
up in the sky
or down on the ground


flac | ogg | mp3

Licence Art Libre

dispo aussi par là

bonne écoute !

dead ?

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