10 morceaux au hasard

lecture :

Atomic cat - Come on

RsR Collective Sound - [the featuring album] 11 - Piege à rêves - Disorder:Fusio - 2 secondes.

Dead Joshua - fields (cd front)

Dead Joshua - taking my pain away

noisy rock
Creative Commons by-sa 2.0

[The Lady in the Radiator] - [Automatic voltage regulator] - Ainsi je suis

Atomic cat - Strange subway station

RsR Collective Sound - [J'ai vu un son]_13_[People Ignore Who I am - Empire Rouge Music Concept - Dimitri Defrain] Insomnies Electro

[The Lady in the Radiator] - [Automatic voltage regulator] - je suis celui

Les oreilles du monde - [Les_oreilles_du monde]Un_son-un bruit-une_ambiance-Son_57

Captation Sonore
Licence Art Libre

People Ignore who i Am - The clock

Creative Commons by-nc-nd 2.5